PHP MySQL Login Form Source Code

 Here I explain how develop PHP MySQL Login Form Source Code projects. Actually this is common and initial steps for everyone who are starts to learn about PHP program. Most of software companies are assign this task for clear the technical interview. In 2016 me also facing this situation when am attend the interview for wed developer designation.

Login & Signup mandatory for every website and mobile application. So you have to strong the particular concepts to clear the technical interviews.

So here I plan to build the code in very user friendly format and easy to understand. Through this students are easily understand the concept and clear the interview. Moreover I cover validation also because they are expecting validation also make a perfect form.

So here we are using JavaScript code for validate the forms and HTML, CSS helps to build the web pages. And MySQL helps to store the values from database, PHP used for writing the script code to communicate with database.

Also Read – Collection of PHP Projects with Free Source Code

PHP MySQL Login Form

Okay let’s see the steps for how create PHP MySQL Login Form using HTML & CSS. For the static website we only enough HTML and CSS program. But now we have to develop dynamic website which means communicate with database. So it’s called dynamic websites, because here we are communicating into server side.

I did not develop attractive and material design layouts. Because it was developed the purpose clear the software interviews. So when you are do this interviewer are doubt you like how it’s possible on shortest time duration. Therefore simply explain the tasks for create user authentication login and registration form using PHP.


  1. Login
  2. Forgot Password
  3. Registration Form


  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. Bootstrap
  4. PHP
  5. MySQL

PHP MySQL Login Form

Initially develop Login form store the data and session is recommended so we are using this for every projects. I hope already you know what is session why we used for each projects and application. For the sample purpose I create Forgot password but the functionalities are not working fine.

If you need later that you can develop the particular fields. However we need server supports for send & receiving email from mail providers. Some companies are using mobile number or email id for validate the users.

Database Creation

First you have to manually create one database and give some name. For example here I give test_sample and after database creation, simply create new table. And the name is users, filed name

  1. id (Auto Increment)
  2. Username
  3. Email
  4. Password
$sql = "CREATE TABLE `users` (
  `username` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `email` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `password` varchar(100) NOT NULL
$conn = mysqli_connect($host,$username,$password,$dbase);
    echo "Successfully connected to server";
    echo "Failed";

PHP MySQL Login Form Screenshot

Once check the project screenshot after that you get clear idea like how it’s working on our device. If you have good knowledge in HTML and CSS then you can change the entire design. Then it will be fine and we able to deliver unique designs.

php mysql login form
php mysql registration form

Source Code

I hope above project output files and code helps to create the perfect Sign In & Register form using PHP MySQL. It’s working fine without any issues. However some core companies are now migrate into frameworks like Laravel. So you are also try and learn about frameworks code. It will helps to grow your career into next level.

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