News Portal Project PHP

 Here I explain how create online news portal project PHP. News portal is one of the best college students projects because most of students are select this type of system. Me also choosing this one when I was studying in college. So let’s see what are the technologies we used for developing personal and public news channel website project using PHP program.

We have number of choices to build this project on various technologies. That’s explained in below section

  1. WordPress
  2. PHP Framework
  3. Android App (Getting API from other news portal)
  4. Core Website

These are four ways for build News portal website. So the choice is your wish but here I recommend PHP framework, if you are a technical person. Otherwise select WordPress, because through this we easily build news websites without writing any code.

Suppose if you want learn more things on PHP, then you should go for PHP framework concept. Similarly in this tutorial me also explain this project on Laravel framework and Core PHP.

However I give the source code for above mentioned four methods. May be it’s useful for your further development or non-technical peoples are grab this project.

1. New Portal Project WordPress

WordPress is one of the popular content management system (CMS) framework. Millions of peoples are chose WordPress for build their website. Behind the reason is no coding knowledge required for build websites. Just basic knowledge enough for create any type of sites like Ecommerce, News Portal, Blogging, Portfolio, Admin Panel & more.

Suppose if you don’t know how to build news website through the WordPress. Don’t worry just contact me I’ll (paid service) guide you to create the site.

2. News Portal Project PHP

PHP is the recommended language for develop websites and plugin. WordPress also using PHP for develop their project. Always choose hardest part because that’s only give credits and money for you and able to learn technical things.

There is two option for uploads news on website.

  1. Manual Upload
  2. Admin Panel

Manually web able to uploads every news otherwise we have to develop separate admin panel for automatically uploads contents. As a results it’s save our time and efforts. Already we have source code for Admin Panel using PHP code.

Access the code and integrate on this sites and the steps are very easy just change database path and destination of files.


news portal project php
news portal website project using php

Source Code

Above all contents and images are helps to build this project. Moreover try above 4 technologies then you get clear idea for all sector. So easily getting job without any trouble of knowledge. When we chosen WordPress, then everything is provided in ready made like Themes, Services, Supportive files etc.

3. Android App (News Portal Project)

Steps 2 explain how develop we application and now we see how implement android application vi API services. Every popular news channel has own API to distribute their service with their own credits. However we have to pay some amount for get the API. But that’s not good for us because the full credits goes to the particular company and we are working like intermediator.

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