Netflix Clone Source Code

 Netflix Clone Source Code – In this tutorial I have explain how develop Netflix video platform service website & android application. Once upon a time no one use Netflix but nowadays everyone has this application. Because most of new movies are directly released on OTT platform.

This application developed by using Android Studio IDE and web application also available in code section. You can able to download the full source code of this project.

This is the major reason for developers and college students also looking for source code. Therefore here I provide a code in free of cost. May be it’s helpful college final year student projects.

Already we are implement so many real time projects like OLX, Uber etc. Actually this type pf projects only helps for students because developers are maximum not like to use existing code. Suppose if you are a developer ? I strongly did not recommend to download the source code.

The concept is very easy not a complicate process, so step by step implement the project. May be in the beginning stage you’re facing issues. But later that you get a strongest knowledge on the particular programming language.

Which Language is Better ?

I suggest Python for developing Netflix application. Because we need large scalability for accessing the files To do that Python Django is perfect match. Suppose if you are not familiar in Python, then select PHP or Java. Both are fine and the database is major part for this project.

So we have also use NoSQL database to store non structural data such as Video comments, reviews, suggestion, subscribers count etc.

Netflix Clone

Okay let’s start the procedure for how initiate with our own source code. After completing this project, you can able to use this concept on Amazon Prime Video, YouTube. Netflix give us more features like we able to download movies & watch offline.


  1. Offline Accessing
  2. Watch Movies on Any Devices
  3. Premium Membership
  4. Separate Profile for Children
  5. Unlimited Access
  6. Largest Movies collections

Database Configuration

MySQL is better option or we can buy some of cloud services like Firebase. If you plan to deploy this project on Online, then should move on Firebase database. Because that is more comfortable & accessing lot of features. Otherwise we recommend to use MongoDB & MySQL.

mongodb feature

Once read the feature of MongoDB. Then you are always recommend this database for your further future projects. Generally database is hardest part and our contents also depends on back-end services. It affect optimization performance. But MongoDB rectify this issues that’s why most of developers are recommend this database.

Netflix Clone Source Code

In this project we need 10 plus modules for accessing all features. Similarly language also need for users selection. Every users are likes to watch on different level like Tamil, English, Hindi, Malayalam etc.

For that separately allocate spaces and modules. Then only able to develop perfect user interface & better experience for end users.

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