Employee CRUD Operation PHP MySQL

 Employee CRUD Operation PHP MySQL – In this article i will show how to create employee details CRUD (Create Read Update Delete PHP MySQL) operation example. Here i create one simple crud example for create insert update delete employee details from MySQL database. Use procedural language not object oriented programming concept because first you understand the basic concept of procedural after that we learn and working on OOPS concept.

In every project you do the CRUD operation like select the user, insert update or delete the user details so without crud no real time projects are running. That’s why first learn the core concept of PHP MySQL CRUD Operation after that we make the better interface designs using HTML and CSS. Most of organizations are now update their work in online mode. Because through this easily able to save our workspace in any places.

When you have plan to develop perfect interface don’t copy the code from the internet, just use your own code then you got idea about create perfect interfaces for your project and applications. Already we are developing some of software to our clients so if need please ping us on install on your machine to update the information.

CRUD Operation PHP MySQL

Okay let’s start the project to make the perfect Employee CRUD operation PHP MySQL. You can do the actions of add the new employee, modify the employee details and finally if you don’t need that employee details just delete that. These all of actions are available in this project.


In above code i will create one form for enter the employee details like their name designation mobile number salary and also write the MySQL code for insert the data from into a database. Alternatively you can create procedure on database to manage all employees or simply follow this method to manage rest of employees in your office.

Database Configuration

In procedural way used for make database connection for communicate with PHP code. I use the default user of Root username used in this example if you want to add new user for your project just create new one and manually do the one work for access all privilege from the database like select insert update data.

In default Host name is localhost, Username is Root, Password is Empty (means not fill that just leave blank) and the database name is crud. The database table name is users. In this project only one table with five columns Moreover we have 70+ PHP project with free source code and output screenshot, so once try and leave your comment on our blog.


After adding the employee you can view the employee list from the homepage. When the employee click the list of all existing employee details are retrieved from the database. Select whole data from users table and indexing from the homepage after that you can edit or delete the data as your wish.

Also Read – College Management System Project

Edit Employee Details

When you have something entered wrong in your employee list, need to must change the employee details generally everyone makes mistake no one is perfect in the word technical world that’s why forgot password edit option and more facilities are added from the project. The code like,

Finally we can perform the operation of delete actions to delete the employee details when don’t need their support for organization. Develop a CRUD application, which stands for Create, Read, Update, Delete. A quick example of a CRUD application would be a database of employees for a company.

From the control panel, an admin would be about to add a new employee (create), view a list of employees (read), change an employee’s salary (update) or remove a fired employee from the system (delete).

Employee CRUD Operation PHP Source Code

Always try to do the project without downloading just use the above code and manually do that once you fix the error then you can easily survey from software companies. The exact source code of employee crud operation PHP MySQL is available on below section,

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